
Ellington Public Schools recognizes that reading well is among the most critical skills for students’ development, fulfillment, and success as members of an engaged and informed citizenry.  Our literacy team and teachers are committed to staying current with emerging literacy research to best meet the needs of students.  We hold all students to high expectations and provide opportunities to continually learn and grow.  

We make our literacy beliefs and decisions based on the current educational scientific research. The reading instruction for our K-12 students includes the five pillars of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension across disciplines in a systematic and explicit manner. In addition, the EPS writing instruction includes spelling, grammar, and communication of ideas across many genres and purposes. 

We design literacy experiences that are rich in vocabulary and language to promote reading comprehension.  These experiences include opportunities to read, listen, discuss, respond, and question text. We strive to make learning materials reflect student diversity and meet individualized skill levels using a wide variety of complexity in texts and genres.

In Ellington Public Schools, all students have access to grade-level instruction and curriculum. Our approach involves data analysis to ensure we target students’ academic needs.  We prioritize time for teachers to collaborate during common planning times, with the support of specialists, to align and enhance our instruction. All of these practices are designed to foster students in Ellington Public Schools to embody the Vision of the Learner.

Grade Levels

Components Of Reading