PK-6 Mathematics
We Believe...
Everyone is a capable mathematician.
Math is a collaborative problem solving process.
Math is active, student-centered, and engaging.
Understanding takes time and perseverance.
Math makes sense.
Our vision is… to develop mathematically curious and confident students. Students learn challenging and relevant mathematics through the development of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application. Classrooms are set up as creative, collaborative, joyful, student-centered learning spaces. Students are active team members who engage in mathematical discussions, solve real-life and theoretical problems, and persevere through mathematics effectively in a diverse and evolving global society.
In Kindergarten, there are two critical areas of focus as specified by the Common Core State Standards: 1) representing and comparing whole numbers; 2) describing shapes and space. There are 8 units of study within the Bridges resource. Six of these units are devoted to number and operations. They help students learn to use numbers, including written numerals to represent quantities and solve problems; count out a given number of objects; compare sets of numerals; and model simple joining and separating situations with objects, fingers, drawings, numbers, and equations. The other two units focus on geometry. Students analyze and describe the attributes of shapes. Students will also find, count, draw, build, and compare shapes; and fit shapes together to make other shapes and complete puzzles. The Common Core State Standards are listed below and will appear on the report card.
Counting and Cardinality
Know number names and the count sequence.
Count to tell the number of objects.
Compare numbers.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value.
Measurement and Data
Describe and compare measurable attributes.
Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category
Identify and describe shapes.
Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes.
Family Unit Overviews
The following links provide further information about specific content and strategies students will learn in each unit.
Unit 1: Numbers to Five and Ten
Unit 3: Bikes and Bugs: Double, Add and Subtract
Unit 4: Paths to Adding, Subtracting and Measuring
Unit 5: Two-Dimensional Geometry
At Home Resources
~ Practice Fact fluency- Addition/Subtraction | ||
~ Game night! Engage in math games- Cards, dice, board games | ||
~ Math at Home Discussion activities | ||
~ Practice Workbook (Bridges 1st Edition) |
Grade 1
In grade one, mathematicians will develop their understanding of addition and subtraction. Students will add and subtract within 100 and solve story problems within 20 using various strategies. Next, students will build their understanding of place value. Students will also develop their understanding of linear measurement and measuring lengths. Lastly, students will reason about attributes of geometric shapes and be able to compose and decompose shapes in different ways. The Common Core State Standards for math are listed below, which will also be shown on the report card.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Add and subtract within 20.
Work with addition and subtraction equations.
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Extend the counting sequence.
Understand place value.
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.
Measurement and Data
Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units.
Tell and write time.
Represent and interpret data.
Reason with shapes and their attributes.
Family Unit Overviews
The following links provide further information about specific content and strategies students will learn in each unit.
Unit 2: Developing Strategies With Dice and Dominoes
Unit 3: Adding, Subtracting, Counting and Comparing
Unit 4: Leapfrogs on the Number Line
At Home Resources
~ Practice Fact fluency- Addition/Subtraction | ||
~ Game night! Engage in math games- Cards, dice, board games | ||
~ Math at Home Discussion activities | ||
~ Practice Workbook (Bridges 1st Edition) | ||
~ Bedtime Math | ||
~ Summer Math Activities |
Grade 2
In second grade, mathematicians will become fluent with their addition and subtraction facts to 20 and add and subtract with numbers up to 1,000. Second grade mathematicians will also measure and solve problems involving lengths. Lastly, second grade mathematicians will identify, describe, and compare shapes. The Common Core State Standards for math are listed below, which will also be shown on the report card.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
Add and subtract within 20.
Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication.
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Understand place value.
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.
Measurement and Data
Measure and estimate lengths in standard units.
Relate addition and subtraction to length.
Work with time and money.
Represent and interpret data.
Reason with shapes and their attributes.
Family Unit Overviews
The following links provide further information about specific content and strategies students will learn in each unit.
Unit 2: Place Value & Measurement with Jack’s Beanstalks
Unit 3: Addition & Subtraction Within One Hundred
Unit 5: Place Value to One Thousand
Unit 7: Measurement, Fractions & Multi-Digit Computation with Hungry Ants
At Home Resources
~ Practice Fact fluency- Addition/Subtraction | ||
~ Game night! Engage in math games- Cards, dice, board games | ||
~ Math at Home Discussion activities | ||
~( Student Pages Only ) |
Grade 3
In third grade, mathematicians will be introduced to multiplication and division, while extending their learning on addition and subtraction within 1,000. Grade 3 mathematicians will also explore fractions by placing fractions on a number line and comparing two fractions. Lastly, Grade 3 mathematicians will solve word problems involving time and measurement, represent and interpret data, and determine the attributes of shapes. The Common Core State Standards for math are listed below, which will also be shown on the report card.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and solve problems involving the four operations.
Understands the relationship between multiplication and division.
Fluently multiplies and divides within 100.
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Demonstrates an understanding of place value- through rounding, and multiplication of 10.
Fluently adds and subtracts multi-digit numbers.
Number and Operations- Fractions
Demonstrates an understanding of fractions, for example- unit fractions, putting a fraction on a number line, and comparing two fractions.
Measurement and Data
Solves word problems involving time and measurement.
Represents and interprets data.
Demonstrates an understanding of area and perimeter.
Reasons with shapes and their attributes.
Family Unit Overviews
The following links provide further information about specific content and strategies students will learn in each unit.
Unit 1: Addition and Subtraction Patterns
Unit 2: Introduction to Multiplication
Unit 3: Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction
Unit 4: Measurement and Fractions
At Home Resources
~ Practice Fact fluency- Addition/Subtraction | ||
~Practice Fact fluency- for Addition/Subtraction & Multiplication/Division | ||
~ Game night! Engage in math games- Cards, dice, board games | ||
~ Math at Home Discussion activities | ||
~Practice Workbook (Bridges 1st Edition- starts at page 41, answer key on page 23) | ||
~Bedtime Math | ||
~Summer Math Activities |
Grade 4
In fourth grade, students will develop an understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication, as well as develop an understanding of dividing to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends. In addition, students will develop an understanding of fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers. Students will also develop an understanding that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified based on their properties, such as having parallel sides, perpendicular sides, particular angle measures, and symmetry. The Common Core State Standards for math are listed below, which will also be shown on the report card.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represents and solves problems involving the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; one and two step word problems)
Demonstrates an understanding of factors, multiples, and patterns involving numbers or shapes
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Demonstrates an understanding of place value
Fluently adds and subtracts multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm
Multiplies and divides using strategies based on place value
Number and Operations with Fractions
Demonstrates an understanding of fractions
Demonstrates an understanding of decimals
Measurement and Data
Solves problems involving measurement
Represents and interprets data (line plots and fractions)
Demonstrates and understanding of angle measurement
Demonstrate an understanding of lines, angles and shapes
The mathematical work for grade 4 is partitioned into 9 units:
Properties of Two-Dimensional Shapes
Putting it All Together
At Home Resources
~Imagine Learning Family Support Newsletter | ||
~ Practice Fact fluency- Addition/Subtraction | ||
~ Game night! Engage in math games- Cards, dice, board games | ||
~Summer Math Activities |
Grade 5
In fifth grade, students will develop fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions as well as develop understanding of multiplication and division of fractions in limited cases (unit fractions divided by whole numbers and whole numbers divided by unit fractions). In addition, fifth grade students will extend division to two-digit divisors, develop understanding of operations with decimals to hundredths, develop fluency with whole number and decimal operations, and develop understanding of volume. The Common Core State Standards for 5th grade math are listed below, which will also be shown on the report card.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represents and solves problems with expressions
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Demonstrates an understanding of place value
Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers
Perform operations with decimals
Number and Operations with Fractions
Solves problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions
Solves problems involving multiplication and division of fractions
Measurement and Data
Converts like measurement within a given measurement system
Represents and interprets data
Understands and applies the concept of volume
Graphs points on the coordinate plane to solve real world and mathematical problems
Demonstrates an understanding of geometry
Illustrative Math: Family Unit Overviews
The mathematical work for grade 5 is partitioned into 8 units:
Wrapping Up Multiplication and Division with Multi-digit Numbers
Shapes on the Coordinate Plane
Putting it All Together
At Home Resources
~Imagine Learning Family Support Newsletter | ||
~ Practice Fact fluency- Addition/Subtraction | ||
~ Game night! Engage in math games- Cards, dice, board games | ||
~Summer Math Activities |
Grade 6
In 6th grade students begin to explore new mathematical concepts that require them to utilize skills learned in previous grades. Students begin to develop initial understandings around concepts like ratios, rates, percentages, negative numbers, solving expressions and equations, graphing in the quadrant plan and statistics that they will continue to expand on in 7th and 8th grade.
Students will also continue to develop their number sense by making calculations with all four operations with a specific focus on decimals and fractions. Finally, students will learn more algorithm based approaches to solve challenging multiplication and division problems involving whole numbers The Common Core State Standards for 6th grade math are listed below, which will also be shown on the report card.
Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Understands ratio concepts and uses ratio reasoning to solve problems
The Number System
Solves problems involving division of fractions by fractions
Computes fluently with multi-digit numbers including finding common factors and multiples
Demonstrates an understanding of rational numbers
Expressions and Equations
Demonstrates an understanding of algebraic expressions
Reasons about and solves one variable equations and inequalities
Statistics and Probability
Develops understanding of statistical variability
Represents and Interprets data and statistical information
Solves real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume
The mathematical work for grade 6 is partitioned into 8 units
Pre Unit 1 - Multiplication and division of whole numbers using the standard algorithm
Unit 9 - Putting it all together
At Home Resources
~Open Up Resources | ||
~ Practice Fact fluency- Addition/Subtraction | ||
~ Game night! Engage in math games- Cards, dice, board games |