Teaching and Learning About Controversial Issues

Dear Ellington Family -

Controversial matters – such as Presidential Elections and other societal issues – have been taught in classrooms for decades. This is not new. Our responsibility is to ensure Ellington students develop the skills to passionately advocate for their beliefs while adhering to the Seeds of Civility, our standards for promoting a fair exchange of ideas.

The Ellington educator’s role - as modeled by a non-partisan Board of Education - is to skillfully facilitate and ensure our personal biases remain just that – personal.

As discussed at the September 23, 2020 Board of Education meeting, here is a video and position statement on Ellington educators' biased free approach to teaching and learning about controversial issues.


Teaching & Learning About Controversial Issues

Position Statement:

Teaching & Learning About Controversial Issues


Seeds of Civility

With great appreciation to teachers Edith Vibert-Johnson, Lynn Ouellet, and Delvine Coachman, Student Board of Education Representative Ayushman Choudry, and Principal Dr. Sue Nash-Ditzel for their contributions.

Dr. Scott V. Nicol, Superintendent of Schools