Food Service Program

Part Time Food Service Positions Available! 

Are you looking for a fun part time job that allows you to work only while your kids are at school??? We have part time and substitute positions available in the EPS school kitchens. If you are interested in joining our team or learning more about the current job opportunities please choose one of the following options -



24-25  Meal Pricing Information


2024-2025 Meal Pricing Breakfast     Breakfast & Lunch for students with Free or Reduced Meal Eligibility Breakfast & Lunch for students         Premium Lunch Choices
Elementary Schools $2.00 Free $3.10 n/a
Ellington Middle School $2.25 Free $3.35 $3.85
Ellington High School  $2.50 Free $3.60 $4.10


We encourage all families in need to apply for Free and Reduced meal benefits using the links below.  All families that qualify for reduced price meals this year will receive free breakfast and lunch daily. Please remember, families must apply every year for these benefits, if you have not received a letter confirming benefits by October 1st, 2024 please contact or 860-896-2339 x301

Please click the link below to learn how to add money to student meal accounts. If bringing in money to school, large bills or checks that can be deposited into student accounts are appreciated to assist with the speed of service

Online meal accounts


Free and Reduced Meal Applications

Please note, all children in households receiving benefits from SNAP, TFA or Medicaid (Husky) may be directly certified and automatically eligible to receive free meals without applying for benefits. If your household has these benefits and you have not received a letter from the food service department about your meal status for the 24-25 school year by October 1, 2024 please contact us or by calling 860-896-2339 x301. 

If you are not directly certified for free or reduced meals you can apply by completing the Free and Reduced Meal Application process. You can complete the application online through the Infinite Campus parent portal  First click 'More' then click 'Meal Benefits' to access the online application.

If you prefer, printable versions of the 24-25 Free and Reduced Applications are available using the links below and are available to be picked up in the main office at each school location. Please review the links below carefully for details about the Free and Reduced Meal application process. Any questions can be directed to or 860-896-2339 x301.

Parent Letter- FAQ 

Parent Letter - FAQ- Spanish

Online Applications Memo

Application - English

Application - Spanish

Meals and More 

Free/Reduced Fact Sheet

Permission to share information : English   Spanish

How to Fill Out the Application for Free and Reduced-price Meals or Free Milk

Press Release



The Ellington Public Schools are proud to collaborate with Whitsons School Nutrition to offer a healthy, nutritious, and convenient meal program for everyone. Our goal is to plan, prepare and serve nutritious meals, so our children are motivated to make healthy food choices at school. The traditional food-based menu planning system requires specific food group components to be served in specific amounts for each age/grade level.

We encourage families to utilize the Ellington Food Service Program link below to access our interactive menus which provide nutritional info including allergens. For your convenience, we also provided links to PDF menus in the Menus section below. Menus are subject to change. Also check out monthly nutrition newsletters below!


Please email questions to or call 860-896-2339 x301


Ellington Food Service program





Breakfast Menus


Middle School

High School

Lunch Menus



 Middle School

High School 


February Safari Newsletter

February Fuel Newsletter 

Harvest of the Month- Beets

Plant Based Meal Options

Veggabols - Facts


Beverages & Snacks (a la carte)

Fat Free Chocolate Milk or White 1% Milk is offered (but not required) with every breakfast and lunch meal.

Milk Purchased without a meal is $0.75

Elementary Snack Price List

Middle School Snack Price List

High School Snack Price List

*Updated pricing effective August 2024*


Please email questions to  or call 860-896-2339 x301