The purpose of PBIS is to establish and maintain a safe and effective school environment that maximizes academic achievement and the behavioral competence of all students. PBIS encourages students to form positive relationships with each other and with adults.

Through the PBIS approach, our school has created positively stated expectations for all students and staff. A matrix of behavior expectations will be taught to all students for all school settings.

There is a continuum of procedures for encouraging the demonstration of these expectations and procedures for discouraging negative behaviors. These systems are further explained in the linked materials.

Parent Information Brochure

Minor Behaviors:

  • Do not significantly violate the rights of others.
  • Do not appear chronic
  • Do not require administrator involvement

Major Behaviors:

  • Significantly violate the rights of others
  • Put others at risk or harm
  • Are chronic Minor Behaviors
  • Require administrative involvement