Ellington High School Athletic Trainer

Sam Freeman ATC

Phone: 860.896.2352 

Email: ehsathletictrainer@ellingtonschools.net


*Certified Athletic Trainer: An allied health care professional who, upon graduation from an accredited college or university, and after successfully passing the NATABOC certification examination, is qualified and appropriately credentialed according to state regulations to work with individuals engaged in physical activity in the prevention of injuries and illnesses, the recognition, evaluation and immediate care of injuries and illnesses, the rehabilitation and reconditioning of injuries and illnesses, and the administration of this health care system. This individual must have current certification in CPR and be qualified in first aid and blood borne pathogens. Other health care professionals with equivalent certification and/or licensure would also meet this standard.*

Concussion Related Links:

Heads – Up concussion video from NATA http://www.nata.org/heads-up

NATA management for sports – related concussions http://www.nata.org/sites/default/files/MgmtOfSportRelatedConcussion.pdf

Link for acute management of cervical spine injuries http://www.nata.org/sites/default/files/AcuteMgmtOfCervicalSpineInjuredAthlete.pdf

Relevant Links:

Integrated Rehabilitation Services http://www.integrehab.com

National Athletic Trainer’s Association http://www.nata.org

Connecticut Athletic Trainers Association http://www.ctathletictrainers.org

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training http://www.caate.net