Health Office
Mrs. Ballasy, Head Nurse - 860.896.2352 ext. 225
Mrs. Motisi, Health Assistant - 860.896.2352 ext. 226
Health Forms
Health Information/Procedures
Administering Medications
With seasonal problems including sore throats, flu, colds, bronchitis, asthma, allergies, etc., physicians may prescribe medications occasionally for your child. When medicine is prescribed two, three, or even four times daily, please ask your physician if it can be given before school, after school, supper time and/or bedtime to avoid having to bring it to school.
Connecticut law (CGS 10-212a) and regulations require a written order by an authorized prescriber (an MD, OD, APRN, or PA) and written parent or guardian authorization for the school nurse or other authorized personnel to administer any medication. This includes over the counter medications. Medication must be delivered directly to the school nurse or, in the absence of the school nurse, the school principal, by the parent or responsible adult. Authorization forms are available at the physician's office or at each school. No exceptions can be made to this law.
Medication must be delivered in and dispensed from the original container with a pharmacy label indicating the name and strength of the medication, name of patient, physician, the date of the original prescription, and directions. No more than a 90 day supply can be accepted. Medications that are not in properly labeled containers will not be accepted.
Reporting Illness
Certain communicable diseases require exclusion and/or notification to the school nurse:
- Streptococcal Infection (scarlet fever, impetigo) ‑ Exclusion until 24 hours of appropriate antibiotic therapy given and fever has subsided.
- Fifth Disease – Communicable only prior to rash. Does not require exclusion, but school nurse must be notified.
- Ringworm ‑ over the counter treatment may be used and the area covered.
- Chicken Pox/Varicella (rarely seen due to vaccine) ‑ excluded until all pox are scabbed over.
- Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis ‑ Depends on type (allergic, viral, or bacterial) and severity of symptoms. Check with school nurse.
- Head Lice ‑ Identified head lice should be treated the same day. Students may return to school after one treatment. Wash with prescribed medication or over the counter lice shampoo followed by numerous combings. Children will be examined upon return to school.
- Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease - Exclusion until student is fever free for 24 hours (without the use of anti-fever medication) and/or there is no drainage from sores.
A physical examination by a qualified practitioner is required prior to attendance for all kindergarten students and for new students at any level per state law (C.G.S. 10-204a, 10-206 and 10-214). Physical examinations must have been conducted within one year of entry. A physical examination is also required in grade six and grade ten. This examination must be conducted after January 1st of the fifth and ninth grade year and before April vacation of the sixth and tenth grade year. The Board of Education will provide assessments free of charge to students whose parents meet the eligibility requirements for free and reduced price meals.
The school health office will conduct vision screening for students in grades K,1,3,4,5, audiometric screening for students in grades K,1,3,4,5, and postural screenings for female students in grade five and seven, and male students in grade 8.
State law requires that each child be immunized against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, rubella, hemophilus influenza type B, hepatitis B, and varicella prior to entering school. There are a few specific exemptions allowed by this law. Contact the school nurse with questions.
Indoor Air Quality Report
Head Lice Information
Head Lice Head lice is a common condition in school age children. Head lice do not carry any disease and are not a sign of poor hygiene. They are simply a nuisance. Head lice do not hop, jump or fly. They are spread by close head-to-head contact. Pets do not carry or give us head lice. The human head is the only place that head lice can live and survive. The most effective method of preventing the spread of lice is for parents to periodically check their children at home; treat with a head lice product recommended by their health care provider when found; and make every effort to remove all nits. Please notify the school nurse if you do find lice on your child.
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