Information for Parents

Bridges Math Information

The resources provided below are for family members of students in classrooms currently using the Bridges math program. These resources contain guidance and suggestions for participating in your child's learning.
Frequently Asked Questions
Guide To Helping Your Child With Today's Math

Dolch Sight Word List:
Ellington students in grades K-2 are assessed for mastery of the reading sight words found on this list.

No Excuse Words:
Students are instructed in spelling these words with the intent that they develop the skill to spell the words routinely in daily writing. This list was recently updated, so it reflects new expectations for our students



The Common Core State Standards, adopted by the state of Connecticut in July of 2010, define what students should know and be able to do in the content areas of language arts and mathematics. They focus on core conceptual understandings and procedures and clearly communicate what is expected of students at each grade level.

The Council of the Great City Schools, Washington, DC has developed content and grade-specific parent roadmaps that provide detailed information for parents about the expectations of the Common Core in Language Arts and the Common Core in Mathematics. These roadmaps include examples of grade-level focus in the content area using parent-friendly language, and sample progressions of learning across three grade levels in the Common Core. Also included are tips for parents on communicating with teachers about their child’s work and how to support student learning at home.

English/Language Arts- KindergartenMathematics- Kindergarten
English/Language Arts- Grade OneMathematics- Grade One
English/Language Arts- Grade TwoMathematics- Grade Two
English/Language Arts- Grade ThreeMathematics- Grade Three
English/Language Arts- Grade FourMathematics- Grade Four
English/Language Arts- Grade FiveMathematics- Grade Five
English/Language Arts- Grade SixMathematics- Grade Six
English/Language Arts- Grade SevenMathematics- Grade Seven
English/Language Arts- Grade EightMathematics- Grade Eight
English/Language Arts- High SchoolMathematics- High School